We are closed for the remainder of the day today, May 1, 2024. Due to recent rabies cases in the area, the Desert Museum is taking extra precautions after observing abnormal wild animal behavior. Staff are continually monitoring the grounds. We will share information about reopening as soon as we are able.

Objectives and Academic Standards

PreK & K: A Walk in the Desert

Let’s take an imaginary walk through the desert to discover hidden animals and plants. While meeting some of these fascinating desert dwellers, we will identify the special adaptations each has for survival in this dry environment.

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Program Objectives:


Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how organisms use different body parts for survival.
Observe, ask questions, 并解释在各种动植物(包括人类)身上发现的特殊结构是如何帮助它们感知和应对环境的.

Grades 1-2: Saguaro Partners

Did you know saguaros are only found in the Sonoran Desert? Learn how the saguaro is adapted to life here, and explore the important partnerships it shares with other living things. Discover how the saguaro depends on animals for pollination and seed dispersal, and meet the animals that rely on this giant for shelter and food.

Program Objectives:


Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Observe, describe, and predict life cycles of animals and plants.
Develop and use models about how living things use resources to grow and survive.

Grades 2-3: Web of Life

2022世界杯下注建立一个食物网来探索太阳的能量是如何通过植物“食物工厂”流向生产者的, consumers, and decomposers. Meet live herbivores, carnivores, 更多的是去发现每一种生物所做的重要工作,它们提供食物或向土壤返回养分,从而开始新的循环.

Program Objectives:


Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Construct an argument from evidence that organisms are interdependent.

Grades 3-4: Amazing Arthropods

Introduce students to the incredible diversity of Sonoran Desert insects, arachnids, and other fascinating arthropods. Examine live animals and preserved specimens to learn about anatomy and adaptations. Determine the important roles of various arthropods in desert food chains, pollination, and our ecosystem.

Program Objectives:


Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
开发和使用模型来解释植物和动物(包括人类)具有内部和外部结构,这些结构具有帮助生长的各种功能, survival, behavior, and reproduction.
Construct an argument from evidence that organisms are interdependent.

Grades 3-5: Exploring Adaptations

植物和动物展现出令人着迷的各种适应能力,帮助它们在索诺兰沙漠茁壮成长. 研究沙漠植物的结构,揭示它们如何应对这种环境的极端温度和干旱. Then meet some live desert animals and identify their secrets to success as desert dwellers!

Additional Resources

Program Objectives:


Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
开发和使用模型来解释植物和动物(包括人类)具有内部和外部结构,这些结构具有帮助生长的各种功能, survival, behavior, and reproduction.  

Grades 5-8: Design by Nature

仿生学是一种创新方法,通过模仿大自然经过时间考验的模式和策略,寻求可持续的解决方案,以应对人类面临的挑战. Through experimentation with models, a live animal encounter, and exploration of how animal and plant adaptations have inspired human innovation, students will understand and be inspired to seek solutions to modern sustainability problems.

Additional Resources

Program Objectives

Students will be able to:

Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
5th Grade - Science and engineering practices;  

Analyzing & interpreting data: 

  • Analyze data to refine a problem statement or the design of a proposed object, tool or process. 

Using mathematics & computational thinking: 

  • 使用数学思维和/或计算结果来比较工程问题的不同解决方案. 

Constructing explanations & designing solutions: 

  • Use evidence (e.g., measurements, observations, patterns) to construct a scientific explanation or design a solution to a problem 
  • Apply scientific knowledge to solve design problems. 

 Engaging in argument from evidence 

  • Construct and/or support scientific arguments with evidence, data, and/or a model. 
  • 通过引用相关证据来证明某个问题的解决方案是如何满足问题的标准和约束条件的,从而对该解决方案的优点做出断言. 
Science Standards:
6-8 Grade – Science and engineering practices;

Analyzing & interpreting data:  

  • Analyze and interpret data in order to determine similarities and differences in findings. 

Using mathematics & computational thinking: 

  • Use digital tools, mathematical concepts, and arguments to test and compare proposed solutions to an engineering design problem. 
  • 使用数学论据来描述和支持科学结论和设计解决方案. 

Constructing explanations and designing solutions: 

  • Construct explanations from models or representations. 

Engage in argument from evidence:  

  • Construct, use, 在经验证据和科学推理的支持下,提出口头和书面的论据,以支持或反驳对现象的解释或对问题的解决方案. 

Grades 5-8: Invasive Species

人类正在以前所未有的速度将植物和动物迁移到新的环境中. 发现是什么让非本地物种入侵,并了解这给索诺兰沙漠的标志性植物带来的挑战, animals, and landscapes. Explore solutions to these threats and learn ways that we can all help! (This program requires classroom equipment for a PowerPoint presentation.)

Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Obtain, evaluate, 并传达有关自然和人为引起的栖息地或气候变化如何影响人口的证据.
5th Grade: Science and engineering practice;

Analyzing and interpreting data:

  • Interpret data to make sense of and explain phenomena

Using logical reasoning, mathematics, and/or computation:

  • 使用数学论据来描述和支持科学结论和设计解决方案. 

All Ages: Desert Reptiles

From lizards, to tortoises, to snakes, meet the remarkable reptiles of the Sonoran Desert. Compare their diverse strategies for movement, defense, and feeding. Discover the unique adaptations that make them hardy desert survivors.

Additional Resources

Program Objectives:


All Ages: Flying Friends

Birds, bats, and bees are all around us, but what makes them special? 让2022世界杯下注来探索一下它们在空中的适应性,以及它们是如何利用飞行的力量来发挥它们在沙漠生态系统中的独特作用的. We’ll even meet a live feathered friend!

Program Objectives:


All Ages: Meet the Neighbors

作为索诺兰沙漠的居民,2022世界杯下注有幸与许多动植物共享沙漠. Some may seem unfamiliar or even a little scary. 2022世界杯下注将探索动物居民的生活方式和有益作用,并学习如何与野生动物成为好邻居.


Program Objectives:


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